Microbial Inoculant


Derived From: Arthropod Castings, Humus, Fish Hydrolysate and Seaweed
Microbial inoculant and fertilizer to promote plant growth Product Claims: Supplies beneficial microorganisms to soils and growing media; Encourages vigorous root growth; Allows plants to more effectively utilize nutrients; Improves soil structure and porosity – creating a better plant root environment; Improves moisture infiltration rates – reducing erosion and runoff; Improves moisture holding capacity of light soils reducing water loss and nutrient leaching, and improving moisture retention; Improves the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soils; Supplies organic matter; and, Aids the proliferation of soil microorganisms.

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Product Purpose:  Microbial inoculant and fertilizer to promote plant growth

Product Claims:  Microbial inoculant and fertilizer to promote plant growth Product Claims: Supplies beneficial microorganisms to soils and growing media; Encourages vigorous root growth; Allows plants to more effectively utilize nutrients; Improves soil structure and porosity - creating a better plant root environment; Improves moisture infiltration rates - reducing erosion and runoff; Improves moisture holding capacity of light soils reducing water loss and nutrient leaching, and improving moisture retention; Improves the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soils; Supplies organic matter; and, Aids the proliferation of soil microorganisms.

Directions for use: Microbial Inoculant can be applied as a seed treatment, as a root dip, in transplant water, in furrow over the seed line; sprayed on a berm or “Y” dropped; through the irrigation systems, foliar spray or on crop or cover crop residue.  Seed treatment: 1 pnt (16oz) - 1qt (32oz)/100wt seed – tumble until moisture is absorbed.  Root Dip: Dilute F with 10 parts water and dip roots – use remainder of dip as a top dress on plants.  Transplant Water or In Furrow Over Seed Line: 2 gal/acre direct over seeds (direct contact best) with microbe foods (e.g. Microbial Inoculant, Fish Hydrolysate, etc.), Sprayed on Berm or “Y” Dropped: 2 gal/acre – dilute at least 10:1 or as needed for coverage; Irrigation Injection: 2 gal/acre/application (monthly during irrigation season or at crop growth phase change) – apply at middle of the set so soil is pre-wetted and so after injection is completed there is additional water applied to push the material into the soil; Foliar: 1-3gal/acre depending on plant size, i.e. small bush vs large tree (make sure apply with microbe foods e.g. Microbial Inoculant, Fish Hydrolysate, etc.) dilute sufficient for coverage, Residue Decomposition: 2 gal/ac sprayed on with microbe foods at incorporation or crimping of crop residue – dilute sufficient for coverage. See product filter mesh size at the bottom of the label for application method compatibility. Use rates can vary from 16oz per acre up to 20 gallons per acre, depending on crop, the number of applications, and application timing.

Product Data: (Show graph between our data and industry standard)

Additional information

Weight 20 lbs
Dimensions N/A

2.5gal, 5gal, 55gal, 275gal


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